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Jesse and Rachelle Digges, Send56

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The mission of Send56 is to train and send native missionaries to unreached people groups in

Africa. Training is done through a two-year full-time discipleship school, for native missionaries

to be sent to people groups they are already culturally and linguistically equipped for.

Jesse, Rachelle and their 3 children reside in Africa, and are establishing a new center in Nigeria,

to train leaders in Africa on how to address the challenge of Islam and bring the gospel to

Muslims. He has taught at conferences in Togo, Ghana, Nigeria and Ethiopia, and he visits the

Send56 native missionaries.

Native African Missionaries, Send56


The mission of Send56 is to train and send native missionaries to unreached people groups in

Africa. Training is done through a two-year full-time discipleship school, for native missionaries

to be sent to people groups they are already culturally and linguistically equipped for.

We have sent a monetary donation designated to support one of the new native missionaries

who completed the discipleship school and is being sent to an unreached group in Africa.